Thursday, November 6, 2014

A Swift Kick in the Pants

Happy Thing of the Day: Students giving you their senior pictures!

It seems I have forgotten about my lovely blog, and God felt like reminding me today, so here we go.  Let me tell you about my swift kick in the pants...

After my last post, I got all caught up in wedding planning, an actual wedding, starting a new position at work, life just got crazy.  I completely forgot about my blog, my daily time with God, and turns out, I started it for a reason.

I was so much happier when I was actively doing my blog.  Maybe "happy" isn't even the right word, because in general I'm pretty happy.  Grounded, that's definitely the word I am looking for.  Though my overall demeanor was probably a bit more pleasant, I felt so much more grounded.  My mood didn't change quite so much, I woke up with a better attitude, I looked forward to the day much more.  I felt confident in my decisions, I was comfortable with where I was at and with what I had.  Slowly but surely, those feelings of security disappeared. 

Recently I have been struggling emotionally.  I am not confident in the decisions I make, I feel uneasy about bills and finances,  I stress out over the simplest things.  I also have had a very rough time at work.  I do not feel like waking up and going to work in the morning.  I do not enjoy my job like I used to, and I let things at work impact me more than they should.

On Monday I had a girl's night with a good friend.  We laughed and enjoyed out night out shopping and eating.  We went to Barnes and Noble and  I found an "easy" daily devotional: 3 Minute Devotionals for Women.  I figured a good 3 minutes would be easy to commit to and less intimidating of a task to begin than a more in depth devo.  The very first one talks about how deeply set and dependent our hope is on our time with God...WOOPS!

Turns out I had this amazing blog that I started, all about hope and finding it, which turned into keeping it and focusing on it.  ENTER my swift kick in the pants.  I was excited to buy this book and see what it had in store for me, but I never thought God would already start kicking my butt.  Good purchase, great reminder, time to start getting back into this groove I had going for me a few months ago!