Happy Thing of the Day: Super long naps
I believe #5! Here we go:
I believe that God can do the impossible, but doesn't have to.
This one strikes a nerve with most non-believers, and I would say, even some believers. God does have the power to do all things. Nothing can stop Him. Nothing.
I see so often on social media, non-believers posting terrible stories about children locked in closets, children dying at the hands of people claiming their treatment of the children was "God's will". They post these for two reasons: either to show us believers how terrible our God is, or as proof that one doesn't exist. After all, how can a merciful and loving God put His children through such pain? How can a loving Creator make things like tornadoes, hurricanes, or any natural disaster? How can He kill so many people? How can He let murderers and rapists commit crimes?
The answer to all of these is both simple and complicated at the same time. He can stop all of these things, and I believe many of them are circumstantial. I believe that when natural disasters happen (which scientists are pretty good at explaining how they happened, let's not jump to God being evil, alright?), it brings people so much closer together. People of all beliefs reach out to help their fellow man, across cities, states, countries, the world. He sees the love that comes from such devastation, how can He deny us the beauty of the aftermath? As awful and depressing as these things are to watch, watching what comes after is so glorious. Did God send these storms to smite us? I sincerely doubt it.
As far as acts of mankind, this one is pretty easy. He gave us free will.. End of story. God created man, God gave man the ability to think, to make his own choices, and to act on them as they please. Enter in super terrible human beings. Why would God have given us the ability to make our own choices if He was going to interfere every time we make a wrong one? That's just more paper work to do! Obviously God doesn't have paper work, but you get where I'm going. If Hew as going to stop every wrong decision, then why give us the ability to do so? I have a few moments in my life story that get pretty dark and twisty. Some of them I did to myself, some of them were done to me by other people. I can honestly say I have hit rock bottom. Could God have stopped some of these terrible things? Of course. Am I glad that He didn't? Oh ya!
Had I not gone through some of these storms, had I not had to rely on God, to lean on Him to get through these dark and twisty moments, I wouldn't know His amazing grace, His incredible love, and His mercy. I have learned through these crazy dark moments that I can overcome just about anything as long as I believe that my Lord and Savior is going to bring me out on the other side.
When a child dies at the hands of man, that man will pay the ultimate price. Our actions have consequences that will play out both here on Earth and for eternity. I believe that when these tragedies happen to any of God's children- rape, murder, starvation, abuse, and the list goes on- that His heart breaks. That He weeps for our pain and seeks to comfort us. I have felt the hug of God in scary times, and I mean scary. I believe that it was His love and comfort that ended those terrible things, that healed my broken heart and brought me to a place of peace. It brought me to the place where I needed to seek Him again, and start this blog and find out how amazing He could make my heart feel. My soul is bursting with His love and I know that it was those trials that I went through that brought me to this place of happiness.
God has the power to do all things, but, if He can find a way to make His plans known, to change the
direction of the path with giant red blinking arrows pointing toward Him when we steer away, He will. Man makes mistakes, and God has to find a way to fix them, not to interfere with them.
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