Here's #2 on the "I believe" journey, don't know how many there will be, but I hope they're good ones!
I believe you are meant to do something, but that something can change.
This one hits home for me pretty hard. Let's start with the back story:
For as long as I can remember, the only thing I ever wanted to "be when I grew up" was a teacher. I have always worked well with kids of all ages, am beyond obsessed with learning, and love when I can teach someone something I know. I love sharing knowledge!
For a while, the only thing that changed was the subject I wanted to teach. When I was little, it was math (what in the world was I thinking?!). Then it was English, then history, and finally by senior year it evolved to music. I was so excited to start learning to be a music teacher. I was so positively influenced by my music teachers over the years, I couldn't wait to join them! Then I had a "mid-life crisis" at age 19 and realized the music thing was not going to happen.
So then I became an Elementary Ed major. My love for teaching grew to an unimaginable passion. And then life happened yet again and my GPA plummeted to the point of no return, and I had to switch majors yet again, but only temporarily, I still had a plan to become a teacher, it was just a route with a lot of detours. But I knew I'd get there eventually. Finally, college graduation seemed to become a pipe dream, and I decided not to finish college (or at least take some time off). My dream of being a teacher was diminishing by the second.
Then the amazing happened, I got my job at WyoTech and I fell in love. It was the world's best job. I loved the instructors, the other staff, and especially the students. I never had a morning where I didn't want to go to work. Flash forward a year, and corporate decided to get rid of my position. Lame. My fiance then got me a job where he worked, The Cathedral Home for Children. Yet again, I was working with "kids", sure at WyoTech I was working mostly with 18-19 year old's or older, but still, I was working with students. I finally realized, I didn't have to be a teacher to use my talents with "kids".
ant to work with students. With "kids" who need to learn something. Whether I am actually teaching them, or helping them succeed in their current situation, I was meant to be with kids. This is also when I realized my
Just because your heart desires a specific thing to do with your life, doesn't mean that's exactly what it has to be. Would I still be an amazing teacher? Of course. Am I happy as long as I am working with students? YEP! My passion is not only "teaching" but it's kids! That's where my heart needs to be to be full and happy. That's what I need to be doing to use my potential. And that gives me SO many options of what I can do with my life! Working with kids is such an enormously broad topic it's incredible, and I have all of those options for what I'm going to do for the rest of my life.
I believe that you were meant to do something, but don't limit where that something can take you. Don't be so focused on that one specific thing that you forget that your talents can be used in so many different ways. If your thing is technology, you don't have to be a programmer. If your thing is math, you don't have to be a mathematician. If your thing is kids, you don't have to be a teacher. Find the place that fills your passion, find the job that fills your heart with glee, THAT is where you belong. Try different areas until you find your niche. Being happy doing something that uses your talents is what God intended, but he didn't mean you had to have something specific to set your mind on. Let your dreams take you on an adventure! You'll be amazed where it can take you!
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