Happy Thing of the Day: homemade sausage- which is what my man and his best friend are currently doing. meat grinder + game meat + seasonings = day full of snack time and taste testing. Best job ever!
Achievement, Respect, Fun, Freedom
I have had a few teachers in my life who have introduced me to ARFF. I was a way to evaluate yourself, a GREAT way to run a classroom, and from one teacher I learned it was the perfect way to balance your life. I was introduced to ARFF by my 8th grade English teacher. Her teaching philosophy was that in order to have a successful classroom and successful students, you needed to have Achievement, Respect, Fun, and Freedom in the classroom. Our achievement was of course our work, and she would always call attention to sports wins, solos in choir or band, anything we did outside of the classroom that was noteworthy, she made sure we all knew about it. Our respect came from her treating us as equals most of the time, she treated us as young adults rather than the lowly new teenagers we were. Our freedom came every day at the end of class. We free time to read, catch up on homework, doodle, whatever we wanted. Every Friday it was 15 minutes, and the couch and bean bags were the highlight, and everyone wanted to sit there. This was also part of our fun, that couch was the coolest place on the planet!

Anytime I'm feeling like my ARFF is low, I pull those old notes out and read them, and I always feel so incredibly loved. It is just what I need to pick myself up, realize I am great, and kick it into gear! I go find ways to fill my ARFF and feel amazing at the end of the day!

Go fill your ARFF people, you will feel AMAZING!!!!
(pictures are all of Life 101 members from while I was in the group, top picture is our leaders!)
I was searching ARFF online, and found your post. Dennis McLoughlin is the first speaker I ever heard of ARFF from. He is a unique presenter, who refuses to put in print his philosophies because he feels they then get misinterpreted! I was a teacher, and he came as a keynote to our local reading conference. He was so unbelievably positive, had so many great ideas in his presentation, etc. that I sought his classes afterwards. He comes to our area to give a class every year, and I go every other year or so to get a refresh! It sounds like you had some pretty amazing teachers! ARFF! Denny's website: https://www.hightrust.net/