But what happens with those big secrets? Those enormous, life altering moments that you maybe don't want to be figured out. You'd rather risk the destruction that secret can bring instead of someone figuring it out. I thought I had one of those secrets once, and when someone finally found out it was actually a relief, though I still didn't want it to be a shared secret. There was someone I finally had to turn to and say "I need help". Guess who?
God wants to hear your secrets. I say "HEAR" because he already knows them. Psalm 139, one of my favorite chapters in the Bible, talks about how God knows us. How He has examined every part of our being and knows our hearts. He knows your secrets. He has seen the deepest, darkest, scariest part of your soul and knows it completely. So He doesn't need you to tell Him the secret, He already knows it. But He wants you to share that secret with Him. Being with God daily means that we share the good and the bad stuff. He wants to hear it all. He already knows it, so what harm could coming right out and SAYING it really do?
The other part to these scary secrets is, maybe God put someone in your life to figure that secret out. Don't be afraid to have that confidant! I can honestly say I am amazing at keeping secrets, but when someone finds out those secrets, whether by me telling them, or the rare occasion that they figure it out, I feel better. And that friendship grows because of that secret. Secrets are powerful, and being willing to share them makes that friend know that you trust them, and it in turn makes you really trust them fully as well. Why let secrets keep you from having that deep connection with someone, or with God? Sharing them may be the best thing that ever happened! I can honestly say there are very few people in my life that get to hear my secrets. In fact I can think of only a few who probably know every single one...
The Love of my Life
My "Big Sister"
And my Best Friend
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