Why Your Judgement Means Nothing To Me:

The day S.C.O.T.U.S. made the ruling on gay marriage, I wept with joy. Not only because I'm looking forward to watching my LGBTQ friends marry the loves of their lives, but for many reasons, which I will share with you, along with my hatred of your hatred and/or silly and misguided reasoning of why this is wrong. (warning: this will probably be long!)
1. It made me proud to be an American (more than I already was).
politicians are saying that S.C.O.T.U.S. overstepped their power. I highly disagree. States have been putting laws in place that are counter-intuitive to our country's foundation. We are
2. This is NOT a procreation issue.
I am about to venture on to a new job, however, the current facility I work at is a treatment facility for at risk youth. I can think of quite a few kids here trying to find someone to love them, someone who wants them, someone to protect them. I also know that none of them would care if that couple was straight or otherwise. We do not have a population issue in the country, or in the world. Or really rather you could say that we do, and that in fact we have far too many people. If it is your opinion that the goal of marriage is to procreate, and I introduce you to a few of my friends who are not only straight, but are making the choice not to have children, for whatever reason. Not everyone was made to be parents, and there are many alternative ways to have kids and be a parent without you being able to conceive naturally with your partner.
3: This is NOT a religious issue.
I am not trying to force my opinion on you. I am a Christian, I am a supporter of gay marriage. We will cross that issue later. If your religious beliefs mean that you do not support gay marriage, in whatever way that means, then that is your right. I support that right, and I am fine with the fact that everyday how much you disagree with this decision. I also would prefer not to have you rattle off a hundred Bible verses at me proving you are right, I have a list of my own, I would not concede.
you do not support gay marriage, think it is a sin, think it is immoral, whatever you may think, I am fine with that. But I'm sorry. your religious opinion has no room in how we make laws and what is "acceptable" as far as law making is concerned. Do you have to be happy that this is now something that is legal in our country? Absolutely not, but you do have to accept it, because more than likely, it is not going to change. Also, I would say as far as the general population is concerned, I would prefer not to hear
4: Yes, I am a Christian who agrees with marriage equality:
No, I do not care that this upsets you. It upsets me more that you find ways to justify your hatred and closed mindedness using His words. I read this article today and about cried with happiness. Read it. Think about it. This is how we should approach this as Christians. The Jesus I learned about when I was little was a man who LOVED everyone. He did not agree with their choices all the time, but He loved them. He knew they were sinning, but He loved them. He knew they would do it again, but He loved them. He ate dinner with them, He washed their feet, He healed them, He prayed for them, HE LOVED THEM. Am I getting my point across? I hope so. I do not agree with everything my friends do (this specifically is one that I do, but regardless), but I love them. I do not rattle off Bible verses to them to tell them they are wrong. I do not use my faith as an excuse for non-acceptance. I love them. I tell them I love them. I do not love them despite their sins, I do not love them in spite of their sins, I love them because they are my friends. I celebrate our differences, I enjoy hearing why they feel different than me, I find that what works for one person, may not work for the other. It makes my world incredibly unpredictable and wonderfully fulfilling. My friends bring JOY to my life. My husband and I do not agree on every religious, political, or any other type of issue. We have similarities and differences, and that is okay. We love each other. That is what God intended. For us to love each other. Go and do that instead of judging and hating each other.
5. Marriage is marriage.
WHY DOES IT MATTER WHO MARRIES WHO?!?!!?! For real people, who gives a flying monkey if two men want to marry each other?! Are you straight and married and adore your spouse!? Great! Let other people do that. Let EVERYONE do that. I am madly, deeply, soulfully in love with my husband. He is an incredible man of God, he is always on my side, he loves me unconditionally, he is incredible. I cannot imagine someone missing out on this. Can they have all these things without having a marriage? Probably, but I will always remember my engagement, my wedding, and introducing Wade as my husband for the first time. I would never want to prevent someone from missing out on those things, they are pretty spectacular. Marriage is not necessarily a religious thing. Is it for me? Absolutely. However, it is not a religious thing for everyone. It means different things for different people. For just about everyone it means committing your life to loving one person until "death do us part". I think everyone has the right to do that. Do you have to let that wedding happen in your church? Nope! But you do have to accept that this is something for everyone, and you shouldn't want anyone to miss out on all of those butterfly moments!
6: Your judgement means nothing to me:
I have gotten some flack for saying things like this. I am okay with that. Your judgement means nothing to me. I am happy for my friends who now finally get to say "I Do", and I will always be happy that I got to witness that day in history when my country decided that was what needed to happen. I am beyond thrilled that this battle was won. Your judgement just fuels my fire for love. I will love them for you. I will love them harder and stronger to try and protect them from whatever you are trying to spout at them. Their marriage does not mean your religion loses. It means their love wins. No ones' religion was lessened by this decision, and if you think it was, you need to evaluate your faith. My God did not change because everyone can marry in this country. He loves me, you, and everyone because that's how He functions. This did not create a war on Christianity, this created equal rights for people who didn't have it before. Welcome to the USA, for liberty and justice for all!